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Kai Pyyvaara Wins Dual Slalom at CRANKSWORX!!!

@crankworxcairns did not disappoint with an amazing 3 days of events capped with our very own Shredding Trails legend @kai_pyyvaara taking out the <19 Dual Slalom and coming second in the <19 Downhill Category.

Young gun @riley_nauta_mtb competed in the <15 DH category for the first time and was gunning for a top 5 position.

Two big stacks, on race day prevented him from achieving a result that was reflective of his talents. He however, got back on his bike and finished the race sending every gap jump on the way in truly Riley style.

@aabbie.b although not competing, was stoked to be there with her partner @jrmy_glldg supporting the team.

The experience has ignited her passion for competition and she will be entering the pump track ladies competition next season. Good on you Abbie!!!. Finally, we like to thank the Crankworx for putting on such an amazing events, the volunteers, parents, sponsors and support crews who together made this happen 🤙